Open Textbook Resources

Open textbooks have been funded, published, and licensed to be
freely used, adapted, and distributed. They can be read online or
downloaded at no cost, and they can often be printed at low cost.
Below are some examples of high-quality open textbook collections that would be most relevant for CA Community Colleges.

  OER logos



ASCCC OERI Open Educational Resources by Discipline   Lists of open textbooks by discipline, curated by CCC faculty.
College of the Canyons OER Textbooks  A highly relevant collection of free online textbooks written by CCC faculty.
CC ECHO  California Consortium for Equitable Change in Hispanic Serving Institutions OER: Textbooks recently created by CCC faculty.
LibreTexts Widely used, well-developed, largest centralized open education project and platform online. 
OpenStax  High-quality, peer-reviewed textbooks and accompanying ancillary materials, such as slides and test banks. 
Open Textbook Library  A well-curated collection of over 1,000 high-quality open textbooks in many subjects, with faculty reviews.
OER Commons  A large searchable repository. The CA Community Colleges HubLinks to an external site. may be of particular interest.
COOL4Ed  Search by C-ID or browse the faculty showcase by discipline and/or institution.
BCcampus  Curated selection of high-quality OER. Search or browse by discipline.
ROTEL  Remixing Open Textbooks through an Equity Lens  A growing collection of OER textbooks created or adapted with an equity and inclusion lens.
Open RN & Next Gen RN  OER resources for Nursing (textbooks, virtual simulations, and NCLEX practice questions).
GALILEO Open Learning Materials  University System of Georgia: High-quality open textbooks and ancillary materials.
Open Oregon  Offers information about the actual classes using the OER, links to materials, and instructor information.
OASIS  User-friendly OER search tool developed by SUNY Geneseo's Milne Library

Already using OER/ZTC? Fill out the Zero Cost Textbook Report Form.

Ask Your Librarians

SBVC Librarians can recommend zero-cost options such as e-books, databases, specialized collections, films and more. 

Don't forget about the public domain! This refers to creative works that are not protected by copyright (for example, works published over 95 years ago). To learn more about the Public Domain, see this excellent guide from the University of Texas Libraries: Public Domain Information. Use the left menu to browse public domain collections of books, images, audio/video, and government sites.